It's been rather a long while since my last Two Book Tuesday post. A fact, for which, I am sorry, but I let both work and school distract me from this blog and am now working to remedy that failure. While I haven't been posting, I have continued reading and rediscovering the joy of having a book in my hands, turning the pages and wanting to make notes about each new story. So, let's get this post started!

As for my second book in this post: Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee is a story I have wanted to read since I came across a review for it in a professional library journal and decided to purchase it for my library's collection. It is a super terrific sounding tale of a girl who is trying to find her way in a world full of superpowers, heroes, and villains. Along the way, she gets the chance to be closer to her crush, Abby, takes a job interning for a supervillain to spite her superhero parents, and discover that maybe she has more power than she originally thought.
Seriously, I can NOT wait to start reading this book! It was ridiculously cool to meet the author at the 2017 Romantic Times Book Convention in Atlanta this year and to have her sign my book. I can admit to feeling a little awestruck to meet C.B. Lee, she is super sweet and was giving away the best buttons at her signing table!