Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Two Book Tuesday

A book that I am reading... "The Wisdom of the Shire: A Short Guide To A Long and Happy Life" by Noble Smith.

I've just finished chapter one, "How Snug Is Your Hobbit-hole?" and the main idea that came out of this chapter is the sense of home that a person can have, not necessarily in a place, but in an idea or memory of that perfect, safe environment that they consider home.

A book that I want to read in the future... "The Captain's Table: Fire Ship" by Diane Carey.

This is one of my all-time favorite science-fiction novels. Interestingly, it is published fanfiction (more on this at a later date) about the television show Star Trek: Voyager.  It is my favorite out of all the different Star Trek series and movies.

Originally, I read this book as a young teenager of perhaps twelve or thirteen years of age and it remains to this day the only title that I have ever had to skip to the end just so that I could be reassured of a happy ending. Fire Ship follows Captain Kathryn Janeway as she recovers from severe injuries and learns to cope with the knowledge that her ship, and friends, have been destroyed.  That she failed to bring the home, as she'd so-often promised to do.  Alone in the Delta Quadrant, aboard an alien ship, and with no other options available to her, Janeway does what she does best... She survives, takes life by the horns and comes out the other side of things the victor.

I remember crying, smiling, and feeling absolutely heartsick while reading this book and I cannot wait to start it again.  It's not often that a book has such an impact on me that I remember it even years later.

So, two books that I'm thinking about this Tuesday.  What are you reading?

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